漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书
Party and government
Ministries and offices
***Corruption Perceptions Index***Citizenship and Immigration Services*Think Tank*Political parties with more than a hundred years of history*President or Chairman*Regulatory AuthorityOffices under the ministries and commissionsWorking bodies of the State CouncilAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,APECAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations,ASEANBRICSFederal authorities GermanyFederal authorities AustriaFederal Ministry of AustriaOffice of the State CouncilChinese political partiesGerman political partiesEuropean Political Community SummitGroup of Seven,G7Group of the twenty most important industrial and emerging countriesInstitutions directly under the State CouncilInstitutions directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaInternational friendly partiesState government of GermanyMinistries and officesNational anthemUpper Federal Authorities GermanySupreme Federal Authorities GermanyAustrian political partiesSwiss political partiesSpecial body of the Council of StateInstitutions directly under the State CouncilCentral Military Commission
Bildungsministerium der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of Education of the People´s Republic of China
Ministerium der Volksrepublik China für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Angelegenheiten/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ministry of the People´s Republic of China
Ministerium der Volksrepublik China für Ökologie/Ministry of the People´s Republic of China for Ecology
Justizministerium der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of Justice of the People´s Republic of China
Außenministerium der Volksrepublik China /Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People´s Republic of China
Chinesische Volksbank/People`s Bank of China
Finanzministerium der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of Finance of the People´s Republic of China
Ministerium für öffentliche Sicherheit der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of Public Security of the People´s Republic of China
Ministerium für Industrie und Informationstechnologie der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People´s Republic of China
Staatliches Hygiene- und Gesundheitskomitee der Volksrepublik China/State Hygiene and Health Committee of the People´s Republic of China
Verteidigungsministerium der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of National Defence of the People´s Republic of China
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der Volksrepublik China/Ministry of State Security of the People´s Republic of China